Wow! I'm embarassed at my lack of contributions this month. It's been almost a whole month since I've posted. But I promise I have been busy with crafts. Thanks to your help these past two weekends, I've actually boosted my productivity. The craft day at your moms helped me jump start and almost complete the fabric dollhouse (almost 6 months after starting it!) and meeting up at JoAnns in Columbia this past Friday made me fall in love with R's first birthday quilt idea all over again. Thank you!
So here's what I've been up to....
No pretty bragging pictures or anything. But I promise, I set up shop right next to our large living room window and watched the blizzards come through and hubby shoveling the snow, while I organized pictures and got cracking on R's pregnancy journal, baby book and completing journaling V's baby book. Very productive, I am very proud of myself. I still have alot more to work on, but here's to hoping it might actually be completed before R's first birthday party!
V and I actually worked on V day cards. You wouldn't believe it since they were never completed and only 2 went out (one to each set of grandparents). I still have them set away in a drawer, hoping I'll completing them so more family members can have some, but I'm having doubts since we're almost hitting easter! I thought it would be a quick and easy craft to do while snowed in, but instead V was easily distracted and only wanted to do a handprint or two at a time. We spent time setting up paper, paint and paper, covering our clothes to prevent stains, just to stamp two handprints, then have to clean it all up again (all while R was napping, because I knew it would be a disaster if he got a hold of any of the paint). So needless to say, we were not productive.
Fabric Dollhouse
The fabric dollhouse inspired by this blog posting is finally in it's last stages. I had put this thing together before Christmas (it was supposed to be V's christmas gift), but realized it wasn't working correctly, so ripped it all apart to start over. Thanks to the craft day at your mom's two weekends ago, I was able to concentrate on it again without kids as a distraction and got pretty far. It's in it's final stages, only needing the handle and button closure. So next time we meet up in a coffee shop (hopefully next weekend), I can quickly hand sew it together and be done. Looks like it's going to be V's 3rd birthday present :)
R's First Birthday
I can't believe we're already starting the planning for R's first birthday. It seems like not that long ago we were doing this for V. I'm super excited about the Dr. Seuss theme. Thank you so much helping pick out coordinating fabrics. I've been playing around with the fabric and the layout possibilities while V is at church and R is napping. I'm thinking about not using the pillow sham I originally was going to use as the center, and instead use the cat in the hat from the fabric. I just wasn't liking the blue color of the sham. I can return the sham to Pottery Barn. What do you think?
I'm hoping to start cutting the squares soon (once I make a decision on the layout). And then I can start sewing this thing together!
V's Pillowcase
Of course, my little girl has grown fairly found of the fabric store, since we visit it a little too often. So when we were picking out R's seuss fabrics, she decided to pick out some of her own. She fell in love with this cute ice cream print. And of course, Kate, you persuaded me to get it and make something. I was hesitant about the pillowcase idea. But it really was SUPER EASY! I was shocked. I'm tempted to make more now. I used this tutorial . I completed it in 20 minutes tops and that's while juggling two kids who were eating breakfast. I even added a third fabric for the trim, it's leftover from V's first birthday strawberry quilt, it's the pink satin. It's adorable and goes really well in her polka dot bed.
Dinosaur Print
I am still smitten with that dinosaur print we found at JoAnns. I'm still on the lookout for something to make with it. I did see this cute reversible pant (, but that might be too big of a project for me right now. So any ideas, please shoot them my way. I am dying to use it!
I promise more crafting and pictures soon.