This post is all about my recent charity efforts, as I feel very fortunate to have all of the wonderful things that I do. I am talking about the basics: a job, a warm house, clothes, food, family and friends and even my crafts.
Project 1: HELPING KIDS AT HOPKINSAs you know my little sister spent some time at Hopkins Children's Center this year and they took such good care of her that I wanted to give something back. I found a charity group on Raverly dedicated to the Hopkins Children's Center and this Halloween they were collecting fun caps for the kids in oncology. I am assuming they will use them for Halloween dress-up/trick-or-treating as they are immune compromised and can't leave the hospital. I sent these great hats off yesterday. I hope they will enjoy!
I would like to send my first shout to Janice for donating all of that Fun Fur yarn. It was really generous of you. Thanks for being such a supportive friend!
Now as you view the pics please remember that I am not a photographer and my camera has way too many buttons! However, I am sure my photography skills will improve as we approach my World Cup trip to South Africa where we will go on safari!!!!
Project 2: CRAFT HOPE
I am also a big fan of They do a lot of really great work. In several mediums including sewing and knitting. I participated in Project 3, where I knitted a few hats and sewed a few simple quilts; which were shipped off to African orphanages.
For Project 5 they are partnering with to gather warm quilts for homeless children in Michigan. As you can imagine the need this winter will be great, considering the economic climate in Detroit. I have a few simple quilts (1+ yard of cotton fabric, 1+ yard of cotton flannel sandwiched with batting in the middle and hand tied through-out)that just need to be finished and then I will ship those off! If you (or anyone else out there) has some extra fabric (which we all do ;), please check out They really need all the help they can get this winter. I will post a few pics once my blankets are done.
You have inspired me to get going on my Christmas Crafting... more about that next time!
Miss you!
The hats turned out great, Kate. I know the children will have a great time wearing them. I'm glad you could put the yarn to good use. Janice